Hey, I haven't posted in such a long time, so sorry guys!!
The hermies are as active as ever. Its becoming oh-so-wonderful-winter so I have been using the heating pad, which I hate doing because it makes my tank look ugly, oh well, anything for my hermit crabs!
I never did find the lost crab! I have to sex them to see who I lost. I don't know what happened...its makes me sad to know I lost one of my hermies. The rest are going strong, they are all so big now, it makes it harder to tell them apart!! Someone just molted, I'm not sure who though. He's kind of pale, which makes me worry, but he hasn't grown his exo back so we'll see.
HAPPY THANKS GIVING! I forget to tell you! Well, I am going to give my crabbies some turkey and I wanted to give them cranberries, but I think my dad used them all for the sauce already. Maybe I'll give them krill. I have only used krill once because it stank up my room for a month afterwards so I've been weary of using it any more.
I surface clean the tank yesterday and boy does it look perdy! I had an investation of fruit flies, so I had to clean it, but now they are gone.
I also used up the last of my protien and calcium mix I made a long time ago, the crabs LOVE it so much. I'm going to have to make some more.
That's all for now!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
OMG OMG OMG! I dont know where she/he is. I did a deep clean and could only find 6 crab babies! OMG! I am so scared. I ran my figers through the sand like, FIVE TIMES and I could only find 6 crabs! AHHH!!!! My worst fear is that one of them (its either Paisly or Pip, I haven't check since the one I found was burried and I didn't want to stress it any more by checking its gender) is outside in the compost pile where I dumped all the sand. I HOPE NOT! I don't think so, I check the sand so many times. Maybe he is wandering around in my room, I better go on an all out crab search....
But now the tank is so clean and wooh! It looks so nice. I cleaned my fishie tank, too, so its all pretty. I cleaned the bathroom and I put new sheets on my bed. I didn't get a chance to vacuum my room, though.
See ya! Hopefully I will be blogging more.
But now the tank is so clean and wooh! It looks so nice. I cleaned my fishie tank, too, so its all pretty. I cleaned the bathroom and I put new sheets on my bed. I didn't get a chance to vacuum my room, though.
See ya! Hopefully I will be blogging more.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
They are having fun.
I have been so busy i haven't reallly spent much time for my hermit crabs. I feel bad, but i am TIRED! geez.
Did i tell you that Pip dropped a limb a while back??? well he did. keep you pinchers crossed for a good molt.
Did i tell you that Pip dropped a limb a while back??? well he did. keep you pinchers crossed for a good molt.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I haven't posted in FOUR DAYS! Sheesh! Well, I have a good reason. I have been having the "o-so-wonderful" volleyball 2-a-days from 3pm-8pm! I am so tired and sore. I only have to do it two more times (thank the Lord!!!).
The hermies are well. The humidity has been settled. I figured out how to keep it pretty well stabalized. I have this small rectangular aquarium from a Barbie doll house set (its small, like an inch long) and I prop the lid open with that. :) Works pretty darn great.
Paisly went back down to molt (she switched shells!!). I think Peanut went down, too, but I don't see him.
Ttyl (probably MUCH later).
The hermies are well. The humidity has been settled. I figured out how to keep it pretty well stabalized. I have this small rectangular aquarium from a Barbie doll house set (its small, like an inch long) and I prop the lid open with that. :) Works pretty darn great.
Paisly went back down to molt (she switched shells!!). I think Peanut went down, too, but I don't see him.
Ttyl (probably MUCH later).
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Okay, I keep confusing myself. I keep wanting to call Tinfoil, Pip! So I am switching the names, Tinfoil is now Pip and Pip is now Paisly.
Humidity Trouble!
ARGH! My humidity is SO HIGH! I keep trying to find a happy medium with cracking open the tank lid. I don't know!
The cool thing about this gauge is that it tells you the high % and temp of the day and the low. So I can moditor it to see how low it gets at night. :) How great is that? I am so happy!
Only my dad is sick. :( I hope he gets better sooooooon.
The cool thing about this gauge is that it tells you the high % and temp of the day and the low. So I can moditor it to see how low it gets at night. :) How great is that? I am so happy!
Only my dad is sick. :( I hope he gets better sooooooon.
New Pot!
I went to JoAnn's Fabric Store today! The outdoor pottery was on sale! (70% OFF!!!). I bought this really cool 4 pot tower thing. It works great for a hidey hut. It was on sale for $5.99 (originally $19.99).
I also got a new DIGITAL hygrometer! I got it at Meijer for $10.
Here's my pics (sorry about the flash):

left side (with new pot!):

right side:

Here's the hygrometer (its sideways, but i was in a rush):

They crabbies LOVE it!! I am so glad I bought it!!!
I also got a new DIGITAL hygrometer! I got it at Meijer for $10.
Here's my pics (sorry about the flash):

left side (with new pot!):

right side:

Here's the hygrometer (its sideways, but i was in a rush):

They crabbies LOVE it!! I am so glad I bought it!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
I JUST HAD A BRILLIAN BEYOND BRILLIANT IDEA! (what movie is that from? take a guess.)
I should post pictures of my hermies on the side columns! That would be so cool. Eh, maybe later. I am feeling lazy right now.
I just made two new posts on my other blog and added some much needed links!
Already, see ya.
I should post pictures of my hermies on the side columns! That would be so cool. Eh, maybe later. I am feeling lazy right now.
I just made two new posts on my other blog and added some much needed links!
Already, see ya.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I'm Addicted
Why do I feel like I am craving new hermit crabs? I feel like I HAVE to go to the pet store and I HAVE to buy hermit crabs. I HAVE to buy them more stuff. I am so addicted to those lil hermies!!
They are all doing great. Little Red keeps digging everywhere. I though he had burried down for good, but next thing I know, he's up and running somewhere!!
Well, off to work on the other website.
They are all doing great. Little Red keeps digging everywhere. I though he had burried down for good, but next thing I know, he's up and running somewhere!!
Well, off to work on the other website.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
More Links!
Oopsie-daisies! I forgot to add my freewebs link. Okay, I will once I am done with this post. I'm adding a banner to a hermie food store as well. Hopefully I can maybe find some more banners for the other links and replace them.
Last night (or was it this morning...?) I took out the yucky eggs I fed my hermies the other day. BLUCK! Its always so nasty. Well, I fed them strawberries and some other stuff today mixed with cuttlebone (I'm trying to boost their calcium in their diet. Their exoskeletons aren't so siny right now).
My friend brought over her guinea pig today. I showed her the crabby she gave me (Sprite).
See ya!
Last night (or was it this morning...?) I took out the yucky eggs I fed my hermies the other day. BLUCK! Its always so nasty. Well, I fed them strawberries and some other stuff today mixed with cuttlebone (I'm trying to boost their calcium in their diet. Their exoskeletons aren't so siny right now).
My friend brought over her guinea pig today. I showed her the crabby she gave me (Sprite).
See ya!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I finished my web site on freewebs! Its okay looking right now. I am going to have to change some things still.
I fed my hermies bananas, peaches, and plums with sliced apricot on top. Then I added some scrambled eggs on the side. I saw Sprite and Pip eating it together, it was too cute!
I am going to have to take some more pictures of them.
(did I ever tell you the story of the STINKY KRILL? Lol, yeah I have.)
I hope today's weather will be nice, I guess its supposed to be real hot (yuck).
More later, I suppose.
I fed my hermies bananas, peaches, and plums with sliced apricot on top. Then I added some scrambled eggs on the side. I saw Sprite and Pip eating it together, it was too cute!
I am going to have to take some more pictures of them.
(did I ever tell you the story of the STINKY KRILL? Lol, yeah I have.)
I hope today's weather will be nice, I guess its supposed to be real hot (yuck).
More later, I suppose.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Almost Bought It!
I almost bought this awesome 4 pot thingie at Joann's! It was onsale for $8 but I didn't get it. Its on of those planter things. It has 3 pots on the bottom (all attached and open inside) and on top it has on pot. I WISH I HAD BOUGHT IT! Crap! Oh well.
Peanut is still molting, but everyone else is up and active.
I am working on a hermie care website on "freewebs". Hopefully I'll finish it soon!
Peanut is still molting, but everyone else is up and active.
I am working on a hermie care website on "freewebs". Hopefully I'll finish it soon!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Rollie Pollies!
Ever heard of putting rollie pollies in your crabitat? there's a link at the bottom of this post from the HCA, so check it out.
I added them to my tat last week, I think. They are supposed to eat the mold spores and hermit crab poo. I'm not sure how well of a job they are doing. I haven't seen any running around for a while, so I don't know if they are alive or all burried somewhere.
It may be because my tank is mostly all sand excpet for a very small corner which is EE (Eco Earth: a coconut fiber substrate, kind of like mulch, but softer and coconut fiber instead of wood.) They may have all gathered in that small section, so maybe I should go buy some more EE.
I added a dashboard link. Ahh, its beautiful. It was terrible not having on. I hope it works for everyone else, too. ♥
Rollie Pollie Link!!!
I added them to my tat last week, I think. They are supposed to eat the mold spores and hermit crab poo. I'm not sure how well of a job they are doing. I haven't seen any running around for a while, so I don't know if they are alive or all burried somewhere.
It may be because my tank is mostly all sand excpet for a very small corner which is EE (Eco Earth: a coconut fiber substrate, kind of like mulch, but softer and coconut fiber instead of wood.) They may have all gathered in that small section, so maybe I should go buy some more EE.
I added a dashboard link. Ahh, its beautiful. It was terrible not having on. I hope it works for everyone else, too. ♥
Rollie Pollie Link!!!
Intro(continued): My Hermies

Okay, the two next pictures are TWO DIFFERENT CRABS! One is a lot smaller than the other. The first picture is Pip, my only female hermit crab! She's such a spunky little girl! She is the second smallest crabby in the bunch (Tinfiol is the itty bittiest by a little bit).
I got both Pip and Tinfoil from a friend. He didn't want them anymore and wasn't taking good care of them, so he gave them to me! :) They are so cute.
This hermie is Sprite! He is bigger than Pip by a lot, but its hard to tell from this pictures. Anyways, I got Sprite from another friend. She bought him and another (RIP: Squirt) but after only a few days, decided she didn't like them! So I got them! Sadly, Squirt died during a molt. But I still have Sprite! --->

This crab is Little Red. He is not so little anymore!!!
He and Hollywood were and are my original crabs! I am so surprized they didn't die when I first got them. I had know clue how to care for them. But I learned quickly. :)
The only hermie babie that's not pictured is Peanut. He down molting. Keep your pinchers crossed that it all goes well.
Intro: My Hermies

YAY! I finally got around to taking UPDATED pictures of my hermit crabs. I probably haven't done that in months! Sheesh. Maybe a year--?
I decided to take them all out of the tank (my wonderful 20L). I brought out a plastic basket which they constantly escape from! Oh well, it gives me something to do! I AM THE CRAB WRANGLER!

The one directly below is Tinfoil. My friend named him, NOT ME! He and Pip are my newest crabbies! (Tinfoil is newly molted, that's why he's pink!)

I have to do a second post, maybe even a third, to get the rest of my pics in! Sorry, this layout just isn't wide enough. :P
I am also going to add a link to the top of the pages that goes to my dashboard since this layout doesn't have the blogger tool bar (I wish it did, grr!)
<---he is just toooooo CUTE!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Peanut Is Molting
My hermie, Peanut, is molting. He sure has grown since I first got him. I am going to have to take some "now" and "then" pictures!
Tinfoil just molted, he is still growing back is exo. :) He just came up a few days ago.
I fed the crab KRILL yesterday. MAN! THAT STUFF STINKS!!! Yuck. I have decided that's going to be an occasional treat only. Yuck. I took it out this morning and my room still stinks. The crabs must be hiding some SOMEWHERE, but I don't know where.
I also added ocean water ("Instant Ocean") today. I forgot to make some, so they had been without it for a while. (bad crabby mama, I know!). So when I put it in, they all came over to it and drank some. I'm glad I made some today, they sure needed it, poor babas! :P
Hope you like the new layout. I found it on some site and changed the background to orange instead of all pink. I added some crabby graphics, too. Hehe. Check out the links! ESPECIALLY the Addiction Store, it has great crabby food mixes.
Tinfoil just molted, he is still growing back is exo. :) He just came up a few days ago.
I fed the crab KRILL yesterday. MAN! THAT STUFF STINKS!!! Yuck. I have decided that's going to be an occasional treat only. Yuck. I took it out this morning and my room still stinks. The crabs must be hiding some SOMEWHERE, but I don't know where.
I also added ocean water ("Instant Ocean") today. I forgot to make some, so they had been without it for a while. (bad crabby mama, I know!). So when I put it in, they all came over to it and drank some. I'm glad I made some today, they sure needed it, poor babas! :P
Hope you like the new layout. I found it on some site and changed the background to orange instead of all pink. I added some crabby graphics, too. Hehe. Check out the links! ESPECIALLY the Addiction Store, it has great crabby food mixes.
First Post!
This is my OFFICIAL hermit crab log. I made one in some other username, but I forget what it was called. HAHA!
This blog isn't for anyone's enjoyment, just updates about my crabs. It's mostly for ME, so I can keep track of all my hermies.
If you are new to hermit crabs, check out my links. They are links to the best hermie sites out there!
This blog isn't for anyone's enjoyment, just updates about my crabs. It's mostly for ME, so I can keep track of all my hermies.
If you are new to hermit crabs, check out my links. They are links to the best hermie sites out there!
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